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Welcome the Hukilau Community Project!  The Hukilau is a way of fishing invented by the ancient Hawaiians.  The word comes from "huki", meaning "pull", and lau meaning leaves.  A large number of people in the community working together in casting the net from shore and then pulling it back.  A festive gathering is also known to the local Hawaiians as a hukilau.  Consistent with the ancient Hawaiian subsistence economy, anybody who helped would benefit from the "pull".  The Hukilau Community Project is a grass-roots effort to live in the spirit of this festive gathering.

At Fit2Grid we have some of the most unique and creative people in town!

Our Personal Metabolic Tracker Trainers can 

certify you to provide service!

Excellent People

Welcome to the Fit2Grid Community!


The Community "pull" will help create a unique health program, in which the Community Fitness Center is developed both indoors, and outdoors for Parks, Schools, Health Centers,  & the Residential Community.

Photos of Fit2Grid Inventors's Week at the Discovery Cube in Los Angeles! 

The Fit2Grid Fitness foundation mission is to promote Free Energy Outdoor+Indoor FItness Areas! In parks, schools, and at work. We will promote our 100 Watts a Day Free Energy program will create a  more Healthy and Smarter You!  We will enable you to learn Fitness Tracking and participants  create Fit2Grid Energy!  Be part of the 100 What-a-day! Campaign for a Healthy & Smarter You! We sponsor Free Entry & Tracking Training for Patients with an "Rx to Exercise" from a Licensed Professional (Physician, Cognitive Behavior Therapist, Physical Therapist, LSW, Licensed Rehabilitation Professional).

DC Energy System

Fresh & Innovative Body & Brain Fitness!

Be part of a more healthy Community  to support Health and Brain fitness!

This can be accomplished through our program sponsored by the "Fit2Grid fitness foundation"

My plan is to initiate the program in cities such as as areas of Pomona, Ca., where Standardized Test Scores is in the lowest 20% and upward mobility of the children in the area is in the lowest 10% in the Nation.  We plan to expand to other Special Active Zones level the playing field for disadvantaged areas. My goal is for programs such as the Fit2Grid to create a more equitable life for the children of tommorow.

Spring Loaded CycleGenerator!
Event Flyer
e-Elliptical running a fan and Radio!

We Support the Maker/Hacker Space !

E-Elliptical playing Music at Da Art Gallery!

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