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The Truth about Long-Covid Sufferers

What is Long Covid?

Long Covid is the term used for ongoing symptoms of COVID-19 that can persist for weeks or months after the original infection. These can include breathing problems, difficulty sleeping, chest pain, fatigue and persistent coughing. Unfortunately, there isn’t always a clear cause and source of these symptoms and medical experts are still determining how to best treat them.

CBD oil has become increasingly popular for helping people manage the effects of several health issues, from anxiety to chronic pain. Now, some Covid-19 survivors are investigating if CBD oil might offer relief from long Covid symptoms as well.

How Can CBD Oil Help Long Covid Sufferers?

Studies have shown that CBD oil can provide some relief of long Covid symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and difficulty sleeping. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation in the lungs, offer relief from breathing difficulties, and help to ease chest pain or discomfort. Research also suggests that CBD can positively impact serotonin levels in the brain, helping to improve sleep quality and possibly even mood for those suffering from long Covid. Researchers have now shown that serotonin levels are lower in people who have long COVID 3–22 months after infection with SARS-CoV-2. Recent studies have associated low serotonin and gut inflammation may cause brain fog in long Covid sufferers.

What Are the Different Forms of CBD?

CBD can be ingested in many forms, from oil drops that are placed beneath the tongue to enter the bloodstream, to capsules and other edibles. Many people prefer a topical application, such as lotions and salves that are applied to the skin. For inhalation, CBD vaporizers can provide fast-acting relief when needed.

Research Findings About CBD and Covid-19

A growing body of research is looking into the benefits of using CBD to help reduce long Covid symptoms. One recent study found that, compared with a placebo, CBD “was associated with modifications in pulmonary function and reduced levels of serum C-reactive protein,” an inflammation marker associated with Covid-19. Other research has looked into the potential anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD oil for those suffering from fatigue and difficulty sleeping.

Where Should You Start With CBD Treatment for Long Covid?

Before starting any treatment with CBD, it’s important to do research and talk to a healthcare professional. Understanding the potential benefits and risks of CBD is key when considering this natural remedy for long Covid symptoms. Consulting with a health expert may help you decide on the best method of ingestion according to your needs, risk profile, and lifestyle.

CBD oil has become increasingly popular for helping people manage the effects of several health issues, from anxiety to chronic pain. Now, some Covid-19 survivors are investigating if CBD oil might offer relief from long Covid symptoms as well.

These statements have not been evaluated and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure disease. Please consult with a health professional when implementing with any current medical regimen.

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Apr 27, 2024

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Dec 27, 2023

Susan my name why in Pennsylvania there is none except me long hauler listen this is ridiculous absolutely worse than cancer No lie where are people like me? What people are in The Brady bunch box that's what I call it I'm older where is the help where why I even called the news I don't want to die and that is the result of this disease you live or you die there is no in between hope you had a beautiful Christmas and happy holidays and yes I know people died from it you should put it on the television though I don't want you but my point is is God DEALT hme the cards so I say happy…


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