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The Wonderful Benefits of Taking CBD Oil Every Day

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has gained popularity over the years for its therapeutic effects. Despite the controversy surrounding the use of cannabis and its products, cannabidiol is among the few cannabis extracts with approval for medicinal use.

Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid — any bioactive compound extracted from cannabis. Other phytocannabinoids include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabigerol (CBG). The plant-based bioactive compounds give cannabidiol its therapeutic properties.

Nutritional components of CBD oil

The primary source of CBD oil is the hemp plant. Besides bioactive compounds, the hemp plant also has nutrients like protein and fiber. The protein in hemp mainly consists of nonessential acids like arginine and glutamic acid. The oil in hemp’s seeds has essential fatty acids, which are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) that can reduce inflammation. PUFAs are also vital in reducing your risk of acquiring chronic diseases like heart and bone-related diseases, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Besides oil, the hemp seed will also provide complex carbohydrates like fiber.

Is CBD oil psychoactive?

A psychoactive compound affects your brain functions, resulting in drastic mood, feeling, and behavior changes. CBD oil is nonpsychoactive, as it lacks THC, the bioactive compound that influences how your brain works.


Is CBD oil legal?

CBD oil is conditionally legal in most countries. Some countries have approved it for medicinal purposes only, whereas others have approved its use in food ingredients to make beverages, chocolates, pastries, breakfast cereals, and vegan delicacies.

CBD oil's THC levels play a part in its legalization in most countries. The purer the cannabidiol extract, the higher its chances of legalization. CBD oil’s source is another factor that contributes to its legalization.

For instance, the United States passed a bill that legalizes the use of all hemp-derived CBD oils.


What CBD oil forms are commercially available?

Cannabidiol is commercially available in tablets, capsules, gummies, and oil. Topicals like creams, ointments, and lotions may also be CBD oil-infused primarily due to its anti-inflammatory properties.



Health benefits of CBD oil

CBD oil intake is not only linked to therapeutic benefits. Scientific studies have shown that the consistent consumption of CBD oil products provides long-term health benefits, primarily by preventing noncommunicable diseases.


1. CBD oil is beneficial for chronic pain management 

CBD oil has been used as a pain reliever since ancient times. It's been proven to be a better and safer option than opioids. Opioids have a lower safety profile since it’s easier for patients to deviate from the recommended dosage.

Opioid dependence continues to be a problem in the medical field, but potent pain relievers like CBD oil significantly contribute to the fight against drug dependence. This is largely thanks to its lack of psychoactive properties.

2. It prevents digestive disorders

Cannabidiol boosts your digestive system to prevent disorders like irritable bowel diseases. Stomach-related conditions can cause discomfort or pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and bloating.  

Cannabidiol aids in relieving stomach-related disorders. Besides assisting in digestive therapy, it promotes a healthy gut system by maintaining proper conditions for gut bacteria to flourish. A healthy gut system generally boosts your overall health.

3. It's useful for mental health

Clinical trials have confirmed that CBD oil produces a soothing effect that reduces psychotic symptoms. It controls psychotic symptoms like confusion, speech deficiencies, and sudden loss of interest in activities that used to matter to the person.

It also helps reduce symptoms linked to cognitive impairments that may arise as you age. Cognitive impairments will affect your brain’s essential functions, like memory retention, concentration, decision-making, and ability to learn new things.

Phytocannabinoids are helpful in the regulation of Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Some other neurological disorders that cannabidiol regulates include multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, and autism.

More research is needed on CBD oil’s effects on post-traumatic stress disorder, lack of sleep (insomnia) Tourette syndrome, and bipolar disorder.  

4. CBD oil promotes heart health

5. It relieves chemotherapeutic effects

Chemotherapy is one of the main forms of cancer treatment. Patients typically receive chemotherapy drugs in large doses, and like many drugs, they also have side effects. Chemotherapy-related side effects tend to be severe and include pain, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. CBD oil aids in reducing cancer-related symptoms too. Although helpful, CBD oil is not a one-size-fits-all solution for all types of cancer.

6. CBD oil aids in drug and alcohol rehabilitation therapy

It significantly aids the rehabilitation process by reducing drug withdrawal symptoms like cravings. Research has notably found it to reduce alcohol, tobacco, heron, and other stimulant cravings.

7. It promotes bone health

Studies have found that cannabidiol enhances bone regeneration in fractured rats. Due to age, genetics, and other factors, improved bone regeneration processes are essential to replace lost bone mass over time. CBD oil also aids in preventing rheumatoid arthritis.  

8. CBD oil boosts overall brain functioning

Phytocannabinoids regulate stress, anxiety, and other factors affecting proper brain development and functioning. Its bioactive compounds also enhance memory retention and other cognitive abilities.



All products are Federal Farm Bill Compliant and contain less than 0.3% THC. FDA DISCLOSURE: The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, consult your health physician before use.


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